2008年12月22日 星期一

Word 2003 標點符號無法於文章中使用

Word 2003 在編輯中時,於標點符號工具列中可點選標點符號按鈕,但文章中完全沒有反應。

2、[開始] -> [執行],輸入cmd,按[Enter];開啟命令提示字元。
3、在視窗中輸入cd C:\program files\microsoft Office\office11\addins,完成後按[enter]鍵
4、輸入regsvr32 /u SYMINPUT.DLL 完成後,按下[Enter]鍵
5、輸入regsvr32 SYMINPUT.DLL 完成後,按下[Enter]鍵

2008年10月29日 星期三


Select OrderID,ProductID,UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount) as '小計'
from dbo.[Order Details]

Select Convert(int,Sum(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount))) as '訂單總金額'
from dbo.[Order Details]

Select YEAR(OrderDate) as '年度' ,
Convert(int,Sum(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount))) as '訂單總金額'
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID

Select YEAR(OrderDate) as '年度' ,Datepart(Quarter,OrderDate) as '季' ,
Convert(int,Sum(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount))) as '訂單總金額' ,
Count(distinct O.OrderID) as '訂單總筆數'
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate),Datepart(Quarter,OrderDate)
Order BY YEAR(OrderDate),Datepart(Quarter,OrderDate)


use Northwind;

from dbo.Orders

Select Count(*) as '訂單總筆數'
from dbo.Orders

Select Count(ShippedDate) as '已出貨總筆數'
from dbo.Orders

Select YEAR(OrderDate) as '年度',Count(*) as '訂單總筆數'
from dbo.Orders
Group by YEAR(OrderDate)

Select YEAR(OrderDate) as '年度',Datepart(Quarter,OrderDate) as '季',Count(*) as '訂單總筆數'
from dbo.Orders
GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate),Datepart(Quarter,OrderDate)
Order BY YEAR(OrderDate),Datepart(Quarter,OrderDate)

---return bigint(ver.2005)
Select Count_BIG(*) as '訂單總筆數'
from dbo.Orders


Select distinct CustomerID
from dbo.Orders
where year(OrderDate)=1997 and month(OrderDate)=1
Select distinct CustomerID
from dbo.Orders
where year(OrderDate)=1997 and month(OrderDate)=2

2008年10月20日 星期一


只包括 TABLE1 和 TABLE2 中都有的行並消除所有重複行而派生出一個結果表。當 ALL 隨 INTERSECT 一起使用時 (INTERSECT ALL),不消除重複行。

Select distinct CustomerID
from dbo.Orders
where year(OrderDate)=1997 and month(OrderDate)=1
Select distinct CustomerID
from dbo.Orders
where year(OrderDate)=1997 and month(OrderDate)=2

2008年10月16日 星期四


Union ---不包含重複(Distinct)
Union All ---全部

Select Convert(char(9),EmployeeID) as 'EmployeeID',LastName,HireDate
from Northwind.dbo.Employees
select emp_id,lname,hire_date
From pubs.dbo.employee

Select ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID,UnitsInStock,UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel
from dbo.Products
where CategoryID=1 and (UnitsInStock<UnitsOnOrder or UnitsInStock<ReorderLevel )
Select ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID,UnitsInStock,UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel
from dbo.Products
where CategoryID=1 and UnitsInStock<UnitsOnOrder
Select ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID,UnitsInStock,UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel
from dbo.Products
where CategoryID=1 and UnitsInStock<ReorderLevel
---Union All
Select distinct Country
from dbo.Employees
union all ---(可允許重複)
Select distinct Country
from dbo.Customers

Cross Join(交叉聯結)

Cross Join(交叉聯結):將產生聯結所牽涉到的資料表的笛卡兒乘積。

Use Northwind;

Select C.CompanyName as '客戶', S.CompanyName as '貨運'
from dbo.Customers C cross join dbo.Shippers S

2008年10月15日 星期三

Self Join

1.Parent-Child Relationship

use Northwind

---1.Parent-Child Relationship
Select EmployeeID,ReportsTo
From dbo.Employees
Select A.LastName as '員工' ,B.LastName as '主管'
From dbo.Employees A left join dbo.Employees B on A.ReportsTo=B.EmployeeID
Select A.LastName as '員工' ,IsNull(B.LastName,'BOSS') as '主管'
From dbo.Employees A left join dbo.Employees B on A.ReportsTo=B.EmployeeID
------使用Case When 表示'BOSS'
Select A.LastName as '員工' ,
case when B.LastName is null then 'Boss'
else B.LastName
end as '主管'
From dbo.Employees A left join dbo.Employees B ---假設A是員工,B是主管
on A.ReportsTo=B.EmployeeID ---假設條件成立(員工的主管編號=主管的員工編號)

Select A.LastName,A.BirthDate,Datediff(month,A.HireDate,getdate())/12,B.LastName,B.BirthDate
from dbo.Employees A join dbo.Employees B ---假設A是年紀大,B是年紀小
on A.BirthDate<B.BirthDate and Datediff(month,A.HireDate,getdate())/12=Datediff(month,B.HireDate,getdate())/12
Select A.OrderID,A.ProductID,A.UnitPrice,B.OrderID,B.UnitPrice
from dbo.[Order Details] A join dbo.[Order Details] B
on A.UnitPrice>B.UnitPrice and A.ProductID=B.ProductID
With Allorders ---CTE
as( Select O.OrderID,CustomerID,OrderDate,ProductID,UnitPrice,Quantity
From dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
Select A.OrderID,A.OrderDate,A.CustomerID,A.ProductID,A.UnitPrice,B.OrderID,B.OrderDate,B.UnitPrice

from Allorders A join Allorders B
on A.UnitPrice>B.UnitPrice and A.CustomerID=B.CustomerID and A.ProductID=B.ProductID

Outer Join

使用Outer JOIN(外部連結)

CTE(Common Table Expression):暫存的檢視表,生命週期為只存在當下的Context中。
WITH (欄位名稱)
SELECT <欄位名稱>

use Northwind

Select CustomerID,CompanyName
from dbo.Customers
where CustomerID not in ( Select CustomerID From dbo.Orders)
--Outer Join
Select C.CustomerID,CompanyName,OrderDate
from dbo.Customers C left join dbo.Orders O on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
where O.OrderDate is null

Select CustomerID,CompanyName
from dbo.Customers
where CustomerID not in (
Select CustomerID
From dbo.Orders
where Year(OrderDate)=1997 and Month(OrderDate)=1
--Outer Join
Select C.CustomerID,CompanyName
from dbo.Customers C left join dbo.Orders O
on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID and Year(OrderDate)=1997 and Month(OrderDate)=1
where O.OrderDate is null

select ProductName
from dbo.Products
where ProductID not in(
Select ProductID
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D
on O.OrderID=D.OrderID and Year(OrderDate)=1997 and Month(OrderDate)=1
--Outer Join
Select ProductName
From dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D
on O.OrderID=D.OrderID and Year(OrderDate)=1997 and Month(OrderDate)=1
right join dbo.Products P
on P.ProductID=D.ProductID
where OrderDate is null

select CompanyName
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D
on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P
on P.ProductID=D.ProductID and Discontinued=1
right join dbo.Customers C
on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
where OrderDate is null
Select O.*
into #包含已停產產品訂單
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D
on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P
on P.ProductID=D.ProductID and Discontinued=1
select CompanyName

from #包含已停產產品訂單 O right join dbo.Customers C
on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
where OrderDate is null
with 包含已停產產品訂單
as(Select O.*
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P on P.ProductID=D.ProductID and Discontinued=1
select CompanyName
from 包含已停產產品訂單 O right join dbo.Customers C on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
where OrderDate is null

select C.CompanyName
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P on P.ProductID=D.ProductID
join dbo.Suppliers S on S.SupplierID=P.SupplierID and S.Country='USA'
right join dbo.Customers C on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
where OrderDate is null and C.Country='USA'

Inner Join

use Northwind


Select CustomerID,CompanyName, ---From dbo.Customers
OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate ---From dbo.Orders
from dbo.Customers inner join dbo.Orders
on CustomerID=CustomerID ---A.PK=B.FK

Select C.CustomerID,CompanyName, ---From dbo.Customers
OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate ---From dbo.Orders
from dbo.Customers as C inner join dbo.Orders as O
on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID

-----省略 AS , INNER
Select C.CustomerID,CompanyName, ---From dbo.Customers
OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate ---From dbo.Orders
from dbo.Customers C join dbo.Orders O
on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
Select O.OrderID,OrderDate, ---From dbo.Orders
P.ProductID,ProductName,P.UnitPrice as '訂價', ---From dbo.Products
D.UnitPrice as '售價',Quantity,Discount ---From dbo.Order Details
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P on P.ProductID=D.ProductID

Select O.OrderID,OrderDate, ---From dbo.Orders
P.ProductID,ProductName,P.UnitPrice as '訂價', ---From dbo.Products
D.UnitPrice as '售價',Quantity,Discount ---From dbo.Order Details
From dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P on P.ProductID=D.ProductID
where P.UnitPrice>D.UnitPrice

Select O.OrderID,OrderDate, ---From dbo.Orders
P.ProductID,ProductName,P.UnitPrice as '訂價', ---From dbo.Products
D.UnitPrice as '售價',Quantity,Discount ---From dbo.Order Details
From dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P on P.ProductID=D.ProductID
where P.UnitPrice>D.UnitPriceOrder by 訂價 desc--只有Order by 可用欄位別名,Where不可用欄位別名
Select O.OrderID,OrderDate, ---From dbo.Orders
C.CustomerID,CompanyName, ---From dbo.Customers
E.EmployeeID,FirstName+' '+LastName as '員工', ---from dbo.Employees
P.ProductID,ProductName,P.UnitPrice as '訂價', ---From dbo.Products
D.UnitPrice as '售價',Quantity,Discount, ---From dbo.Order Details
D.UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount) as '小計'
from dbo.Orders O join dbo.[Order Details] D on O.OrderID=D.OrderID
join dbo.Products P on P.ProductID=D.ProductID
join dbo.Customers C on C.CustomerID=O.CustomerID
join dbo.Employees E on E.EmployeeID=O.EmployeeID


Use Northwind


Select OrderID,ProductID,UnitPrice*Quantity*(1-Discount) as N'小計'
From dbo.[Order Details]

select 10/3 as '商數',10%3 AS '餘數'

/*Date and time Function*/
--1.Getdate(),GetUTCDate() --format for datetime values
select Getdate() as '現在時間'
,GetUTCDate() as '標準時間'

--2.Year()/Month()/Day() --Returns an integer
Select Year(GetDate())-1911,
--- Convert to varchar
Select Convert(Nvarchar,Year(GetDate())-1911)+N'年'+
Convert(Nvarchar,Day(Getdate()))+N'日' as N'民國'
--- style
select Getdate() as '現在時間',
Convert(varchar,getdate(),111) as 'JAPAN',
Convert(varchar,getdate(),101) as 'US'

--Datepart() Returns an integer
--Datename() Returns a character string
Select Year(Getdate()),DatePart(year,getdate()),DateName(year,getdate())
Select Datepart(Month,Getdate()),

select * from sys.syslanguages
select @@language
set language N'繁體中文' --name
Select DateName(Month,Getdate()),
--set language N'Français'
select Month('10/11/12'),
set DateFormat 'ymd'
select Month('10/11/12'),
--set language N'us_english'
Select Datepart(WeekDay,Getdate())
set Datefirst 1--更改本連線設定值:星期第一天為星期一(預設為7星期日)
Select Datepart(WeekDay,Getdate())

--Returns a new datetime value
select getdate() as '製造日期',
DateAdd(Quarter,2,Getdate()) as '保存期限'
Select Getdate(),Datediff(hour, getdate(),'2009/1/1 12:00:00 AM')
Select EmployeeID,LastName,BirthDate,HireDate,
datediff(year,BirthDate,getdate()) as 'Age',
Convert(varchar,datediff(month,HireDate,getdate())%12)+'月' as '年資'
from dbo.Employees


2008年10月14日 星期二


Use Northwind


select distinct Country
from dbo.Customers
--Distinct Country已內含ORDER BY Country asc動作

Order By

Use Northwind

使用Order By

Select *
from dbo.Customers
where Country in ('Canada','USA','Mexico')
order by Country ---ASC--預設(升冪)

Select *
from dbo.Customers
where Country in ('Canada','USA','Mexico')
Order by Country desc--(降冪)

---列出客戶指定排序(1.USA 2.UK 3.Germany 4.France 5.其他用升冪)
Select *
from dbo.Customers
order by case when Country='USA' then 1 when Country='UK' then 2 when Country='Germany' then 3 when Country='France' then 4 else 5 end,Country asc


Use Northwind


select ProductID ,
ProductName as '產品名稱',
UnitsInStock '庫存量', --as 可省略
from dbo.Products;


Use Northwind

Is Null /Is Not Null

select *
from dbo.Orders
where ShippedDate is null

select *
from dbo.Orders
where ShippedDate is not null


Use Northwind

In /Not In

Select *
from dbo.Customers
where Country='Canada' or Country='USA' or Country='Mexico'

Select *
from dbo.Customers
where Country in('Canada','USA','Mexico')

Select *
from dbo.Customers
where Country<>'Canada' and Country<>'USA' and Country<>'Mexico'

--Not IN
Select *
from dbo.Customers
where Country not in('Canada','USA','Mexico')

Between ... and ...

Use Northwind

Between ... And ...

Select *
from dbo.Products
where UnitPrice<=30 and UnitPrice>=10
-- 或
Select *
from dbo.Products
where UnitPrice between 10 and 30

Select *
from dbo.Products
where UnitPrice>30 or UnitPrice<10
-- 或
Select *
from dbo.Products
where UnitPrice not between 10 and 30


--- 使用北風資料庫
Use Northwind

And /Or /Not

Select ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID,UnitsInStock,UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel
from dbo.Products
where CategoryID=1 and UnitsInStock <UnitsOnOrder
or UnitsInStock<ReorderLevel

Select ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID,UnitsInStock,UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel

from dbo.Products
where CategoryID=1
and (UnitsInStock<UnitsOnOrder or UnitsInStock<ReorderLevel )


Use Northwind

Like '%_[][^]'

select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like 'A%'

select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like '%s'

select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like '%B%'

select *
from dbo.Customers
where Phone like '%2_'

select *
from dbo.Customers
where Phone like '_2%2_'

--列出'A' 或'B'或'C'開頭客戶
select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like 'A%' or CompanyName like 'B%' or CompanyName like 'c%'
-- or
select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like '[ABC]%'
-- or
select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like '[A-C]%'

--列出Not 'A' 且Not 'B'且Not 'C'開頭客戶
select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName not like 'A%' and CompanyName not like 'B%' and CompanyName not like 'c%'
-- or
select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like '[^ABC]%'
-- or
select *
from dbo.Customers
where CompanyName like '[^A-C]%'

update dbo.Products
set QuantityPerUnit='70%'
where ProductID=1

--Select *
from dbo.Products
where ProductID=1

Select *
from dbo.Products
where QuantityPerUnit like '%#%%' escape '#'


Use Northwind

>, < ,= ,>= ,<= ,<>

SELECT OrderID,OrderDate,ShippedDate,RequiredDate
From dbo.Orders
where ShippedDate>RequiredDate

Select CustomerID,CompanyName,City,Country
From dbo.Customers
where Country<>'USA'

Select ProductID,ProductName,UnitPrice,UnitsOnOrder,UnitsInStock
from dbo.Products
where UnitsOnOrder>UnitsInStock

--列出安全存量不足的產品Select ProductID,ProductName,UnitPrice,UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel
from dbo.Products
where UnitsOnOrder>ReorderLevel


use Northwind

Select Column1,Column2,... (垂直篩選)
From Table
Where Row條件式 (水平篩選)

select *
from dbo.Customers

select CustomerID,CompanyName,City,Country --垂直篩選
from dbo.Customers
where Country='USA' --水平篩選

Select *
from dbo.Employees

Select LastName,FirstName,BirthDate,HireDate
from dbo.Employees
Where BirthDate>='1960/1/1'

Select LastName,FirstName,BirthDate,HireDate
from dbo.Employees
Where Year(BirthDate)>=1960

Select *
from dbo.Products

Select ProductID,ProductName,UnitPrice
from dbo.Products
where UnitPrice>=100

2008年8月17日 星期日

reason 3028

Unable to convert data from CCSID 937 to CCSID 950: reason 3028.


2008年8月14日 星期四


SELECT CONCAT(last_name,first_name) FROM person

SELECT last_name ││first_name FROM person

SQL Server例:
SELECT last_name + first_name FROM person


Replace([欄位] , '替換前字串' , '替換後字串')
Update [資料表] Set [欄位] = Replace([欄位] , '替換前字串' , '替換後字串') Where [條件式]

UPDATE testtable SET field1 = REPLACE(field1,'abcd','1234')

2008年8月12日 星期二

replace() 遇到NULL時發生錯誤

replace 遇到 Null 值時會發生錯誤,錯誤訊息:Null 的使用不正確: 'replace'

out = out & replace(asrs.Fields(i).Value,","," ") & ","

If Not IsNull(as400rs.Fields(i).Value) Then
out = out & replace(asrs.Fields(i).Value,","," ") & ","
out = out & " " & ","
End If

2008年7月7日 星期一

SQL Command Time

在Excel中使用ADO連線至SQL Server,是常用且簡單的報表製作方式。




Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim recset As ADODB.Recordset
Dim connectstr As Stringconnectstr = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=local;Network=DBMSSOCN;Database=northwind;Uid=sa;Pwd=sa;"
cn.Open connectstrOn Error GoTo err_rtn
cn.CommandTimeout = 600 '秒
Set recset = New ADODB.Recordset
recset.Open sour, cn

2008年6月16日 星期一

Perl 取系統日期

# 取得秒, 分, 時, 日, 月, 年

# 月比實際少一, 所以加 1
if (length ($mon) == 1) {$mon = '0'.$mon;}

# 判斷是否為個位數, 若是則在前面補 0
if (length ($mon) == 1) {$mon = '0'.$mon;}
if (length ($day) == 1) {$day = '0'.$day;}
if (length ($hour) == 1) {$hour = '0'.$hour;}
if (length ($min) == 1) {$min = '0'.$min;}
if (length ($sec) == 1) {$sec = '0'.$sec;}

# 年比實際西元年少 1900, 所以加上 1900
$year += 1900;

# 組合成完整的時間
$date = "$year$mon$day";
$time = "$hour$min$sec";
$alltime = " $date/$time";
$s_date = ($year-11)."$mon"."01";
$e_date = ($year-11)."$mon"."31";

2008年6月3日 星期二


  1. YYYY/MM/DD: Convert(varchar(10),Getdate(),111)
  2. YYYYMMDD: Convert(varchar(10),Getdate(),112)
  3. HH:MM:SS: Convert(varchar(8),Getdate(),108)
  4. HH:MM:SS:mmm: Convert(varchar(12),Getdate(),114)
  5. HHMMSS: Replace(Convert(varchar(8),Getdate(),108),':','')
  6. HHMMSSmmm: Replace(Convert(varchar(12),Getdate(),114),':','')
  7. YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS: Replace(Convert(varchar(30),Getdate(),120),'-','/')
  8. YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS: Replace(Convert(varchar(30),Getdate(),121),'-','/')
  9. YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS: Convert(varchar(10),Getdate(),111) + Space(1) + Convert(varchar(8),Getdate(),108)
  10. YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: Convert(varchar(10),Getdate(),112) + Replace(Convert(varchar(8),Getdate(),108),':','')

2008年5月22日 星期四

移除 Microsoft Java VM

  1. Windows 98不適用。
  2. 點選「開始→執行」指令,在「執行」對話框中輸入「RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection java.inf,UnInstall」,Enter後系統會開啟「Microsoft VM uninstall」對話框,點選「是(Y)」按鈕後,系統就會開始卸載微軟Java虛擬機,卸載完成後需要重新啟動系統。
  3. 移除「%systemroot%」(即Windows的安裝目錄,Windows 2000系統為 Winnt目錄,Windows XP/2003為Windows目錄)下的Java資料夾;「%systemroot%\inf」下的java.pnf檔案,以及「%systemroot%\system32」下的jview.exe檔案和wjview.exe檔案。
  4. 開啟註冊表編輯器(點選「開始→執行」指令,在「執行」對話框中輸入「regedit」),依次展開[HKEY_LOCAL_  MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\JavaVM]分支和[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE  SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AdvancedOptions\JAVA_VM]分支,移除這兩個分支下的所有子鍵。

2008年5月21日 星期三

關閉 Java Update

  1. 開啟註冊表編輯器(點選「開始→執行」指令,在「執行」對話框中輸入「regedit」)
  2. 展開 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy
  3. EnableJavaUpdate數值資料,把1改成0